Localization Services

Website and SEO Localization, Localized Marketing Translation and More

Localization refers to the adaptation of documents for foreign audiences. Sometimes a pure translation is all that is required, but when it comes to documents like marketing brochures, product information leaflets, blog posts and websites then localization services can be extremely important.

If you’re taking the time to translate your website into another language, then you presumably want to reach out to people in another country. But literal conversion of the text from one language to another can sometimes lead to embarrassing translation mistakes. That’s where localization comes in.

Localization services use natives of the target country to provide insights into the target language and how it is used. It’s a valuable process for companies looking to produce high quality materials that are suitable for local audiences. The skill to localization lies in translating and localizing a document without changing its meaning. It’s a skill that develops over time, which is why at Tomedes we always use experienced individuals who understand the requirements and boundaries of professional localization services.

Some of the most commonly required localization services these days are the translation and localization of software, video games and apps.

Engaging a professional to provide their localization expertise can make a vast difference for all three of these items when it comes to mass appeal in a new country. Everything from language to colours to concepts can impact on the number of sales that are made and sometimes a small change can reap big rewards.

Speak to the Crystal team today for more information on the advantages of localization and what it can do for your company. You can also use our website for an instant quote or contact us for further details. A small investment of your time in finding out more about using localization services could end up making a vast difference to the way you go about presenting your business overseas!

SEO and website localization go hand-in-hand, insofar as that they are adapted for the culture and language being targeted. SEO keywords vary from language to language, as well as the look, feel and language of websites. For maximized SEO, search terms and keywords should not be translated word for word, because technical terms vary from one language to another. For instance, the word “laptop” translated to French would not work as a literal translated term for SEO purposes. The French translation for the word laptop is called “un portatif,” which translates to “a portable.” Technical German translation is similar. There are many other examples like this for every language.

Some languages with less access to the latest technologies do not yet have equivalent terms for a lot of technical translations, and so the translator must localize the language in such a way that it makes sense to local audiences. Advertising and marketing localization should always be used for any kind of content, commercial, advertisment or campaign translation. Because marketing campaigns target a large number of people, and because they are meant to draw revenue from global market expansion, marketing and advertising localization should always be undertaken by professional language service providers with advanced expertise and knowledge of both the industry and the target language culture.

Many Fortune 500 companies have made serious translation blunders, and even caused cultural offense by ignoring the need for localization services. It is very risky – and possibly even irresponsible, in regards to certain medical and life sciences translations – to simply ignore proper methods of professional localization. This is especially true for translations such as English to Hindi, English to Farsi, English to Chinese, or any other language pairing belonging to cultures with pronounced differences and perspectives.

Other document translations that often require localization services include:

  • Educational translation and localization
  • E-commerce localization
  • Video game localization
  • Software app localization for smartphones
  • iPad and iPhone app localization
  • Graphic user interface or GUI localization
  • E-learning documentation translation and localization
  • Subtitling localization and broadcast commercial translation and localization

This is by no means a comprehensive list of translation and localization services. If there are questions about whether localization service is needed for any given translation, contact Tomedes today

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